Publications: The Andean Mountains & Mountain Geography

Emiritus Professor Christoph Stadel of the University of Salzburg (research group social geography), in collaboration with Axel Borsdorf (Professor at University of Innsbruck and director of the institute of interdisciplinary mountain research of the Austrian academy of sciences), has published a comprehensive book on the Andes mountains.

An excerpt of the book description:
“Natural resources, overwhelming scenic beauties, a vast variety of seemingly intact cultures, economic diversity – those are keywords that are often connected with the Andes mountains. For the first time in decades it is attempted to draw the big picture of this region of the earth’s surface that is connected by the longest mountain range worldwide. (…) Illustrated with numerous fascinating photographies and and intuitively accessible charts and graphics, this book provides the base for a better insights of this natural space with all of its problems.”

The book is available via the following link: The Andean Mountains: A geographical portrait



In addition, Christoph Stadel, in collaboration with Jim Gardner (Canada) and Robert Rhoades (USA), has contributed the substantial chapter titled “People in Mountains” to the newly published book “Mountain Geography: Physical and Human Dimensions”, which is available here: Mountain Geography: Physical and Human Dimensions


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