Research Interests

GIScience and Geoinformatics:

A special focus is directed towards modeling, simulation and visualization of social-spatial processes
by applying agent-based techniques, network and spatial analysis methods.

Spatial Statistics:

The use of multivariate statistics (cluster analysis, factor analysis, categorical regression, GWR)
and Geostatistics (spatial autocorrelation, Kriging) as instances of quantitative analysis has a
thematic priority in our research.

Social Geography:

We lay our focus on the meaning of, identification with and interrelation of space in a social context.
Social-spatial fragmentation of urban and rural areas and demographic transitions are of special interest,
primarily in a European context.

Geographies of Poverty, Inequality and Exclusion:

The investigation of vulnerabilities and resilience capacities of localities and regions in the context
of fragmentation and segregation is an important issue in our research, tied to the theoretical
and methodological concerns already mentioned.

Geographies of Communications and Telecommunications:

Our emphasis is on the implications of the use of ubiquitously available technologies on the
perception of space and on social action patterns in space. Again, this correlates with our
other research interests.


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